Clinical Refractometers

Using the principles of light refraction, ATAGO Clinical Refractometers use special scales for clinical purposes such as specific gravity of urine, and total protein in serum or plasma.

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Created on: 25 October 2014

The MASTER-SUR/Nα is designed for clinical purposes: "Serum Protein", "Specific Gravity of Urine" and "Refractive Index". The plastic body model is designed to be resistant salty and acidic samples. It is an Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATK) model with water resistant properties (IP65).

Created on: 25 October 2014

The MASTER-SUR/NM is designed for clinical purposes: "Serum Protein", "Specific Gravity of Urine" and "Refractive Index". The plastic body model is designed to be resistant salty and acidic samples. The MASTER-SUR/NM is a good alternative choice when the water resistant feature is not a priority and the Temperature Compensation will be carried out manually. Not equipped with the Automatic Temperature Compensation feature.

Created on: 25 October 2014

The new MASTER-URC/Nα is designed to quickly and easily measure Urine Specific Gravity with just a single drop of sample. The new plastic body design is resistant against corrosion from salty and acidic samples, and incorporates an improved optics system for higher contrast and better clarity. Simple to use, lightweight, and portable! This model is an advanced version of the MASTER-URC/NM, featuring a water resistant (IP65) design (except eyepiece) and Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC).

Created on: 25 October 2014

The new MASTER-URC/NM is designed to quickly and easily measure Urine Specific Gravity with just a single drop of sample. The new plastic body design is resistant against corrosion from salty and acidic samples, and incorporates an improved optics system for higher contrast and better clarity. Simple to use, lightweight, and portable! The MASTER-URC/NM is a good alternative choice when the water resistant feature is not a priority and the Temperature Compensation will be carried out manually. Not equipped with the Automatic Temperature Compensation feature.- Upgraded replacement for : URICON-NE

Created on: 25 October 2014

This is a desktop clinical refractometer that allows for hands-free operations.It has 3 scales – serum protein, urine specific gravity, and refractive index.Designed for ease of use and simplicity, the stand has a space for a receptacle, and the daylight plate has a handle for opening/closing.

Created on: 25 October 2014

The Digital Hand-Held Urine Specific Gravity "Pen" Refractometer PEN-URINE S.G. utilizes the refractive index method to measure the specific gravity of urine. The PEN type refractometer is extremely easy to use. There are 2 ways to measure the sample : Dip the tip into the sample and press the START key OR press the START key and touch the tip into the sample.

Created on: 25 October 2014

The PAL-10S is a digital hand-held compact refractometer to measure urine S.G. To operate it, simply place a drop of urine on the prism top and press the "Start"key. Then, the urine S.G. value will be displayed on the LCD instantly.

Created on: 25 October 2014

PAL-mOsm. is a digital hand-held compact refractometer to measure Urine Osmolality.